Admission commences from the 1st week of April. Students seeking for admission has to undergo the test. Test is conducted to see wheather his/her standard of performances makes him eligible for admission to particular class.
Registration forms are available from the school office during the time when registration is opened.
The registration form must be filled in as per instruction and submitted to the school office.
The birth certificate/T.C. of the child must be submitted along with the admission form.
The registration fee is NOT refundable.
Promotion Criteria
Promotion to the next class depends on the whole years performances on regular attendance, the overall development and the ability of the students.
Minimum pass marks for promotion to the next class is 40%.
Only those student with a minimum of 75% attendance of the working days during each scholastic year will be considered for promotion.
The school management reserves its right to dismiss students who continuously fail to make satisfactory progress in their studies or whose conduct in any detrimental to the orderly life of the school.
Use of unfair means in exam/tests/assignment.
Smoking, bringing or consuming alcohol or narcotic drugs, disrespect towards the staff.
Fee Structure
Fee structure in the form of chart is being issued separately.
Under no circumstances fees will be admitted without fee card issued on the name of student.
Late fees will be charged after 15th of current month.