+91 9997334549

Mandatory Public Disclosure

General Information

S.No Information Details
1 Name Of The School Glacier Public School
2 Affiliation No. 3530186
3 School Code 81417
4 Complete Address With Pin Code Nathuwawala, Adjacent To Tunwala Dehradun 248006
5 Principal Name & Qualification Mrs. Sangeeta Basnet (MA, BED.)
6 School Email ID
7 Contact Details 9997334549

Documents and Information

S.No Documents / Information Upload Documents
1 CBSE Affiliation CBSE-Aff. (PDF)
2 Society Registration Society Registration (PDF)
3 No. Objection Certificate (NOC) NOC (PDF)
4 RTE Affiliation RTE - Affi (PDF)
5 Building Safety Certificate Building Safety Cert (PDF)
6 Fire Safety Certificate Fire Safety Certificate ( PDF)
7 DEO Certificate DEO Certificate (PDF)
8 Water, Health and Sanitation Certificates Health and Sanitation Cert

Result and Academics

S.NO. Documents / Information Upload Documents
1 Fee structure of the school Fee Structure ( PDF )
2 Annual academic calendar Academic Calender (PDF)
Gazetted Holiday (PDF)
3 List of School Management Committee (SMC) SMC (PDF)
4 List of Parents Teachers Association (PTA) members PTA (PDF)
5 Last three year result of the board examination as per applicability Last Three Year Result(PDF)

Class Results

Result Class X
S.No. Academic Year No. Of Registered Students No. Of Students Passed Pass %
1 2020-2021 118 118 100
2 2021-2022 119 119 100
3 2022-2023 121 119 98
Result Class XII
1 2020-2021 113 113 100
2 2021-2022 94 94 100
3 2022-2023 98 97 99

Staff Teaching

S.No. Information Details
1 Principal Mrs. Sangeeta Basnet (01)
2 Total no. of teachers 61
PGT 13
TGT 23
PRT 22
3 Teachers section ratio -
4 Details of special educator 2
5 Details of counsellor and wellness teacher -

School Infrastructure

S.No. Information Details
1 Total campus area of the school (In sqaure mtr) 4103
2 Number of class rooms 55
3 Number and size of laboratories including computer labs (In sq mtr) 04
4 Internet facility Yes
5 Number of girls/boys toilets 14
6 Link of Youtube video of the inspection of school covering the infrastructure of the school NA